Project Scope
Nichols Contracting completed a full renovation and upgrade to the Howard B. Owens
Planetarium and Science Center for Prince George’s County Public Schools. The planetarium renovation
included fabrication and replacement of a new 55 ft. hemispherical projection dome along with
state-of-the art new optical mechanical star projector and full dome digital planetarium projection
system. This system will display the most recent scientific and artistic visualizations in
astronomy and will become the leading planetarium facility in the region. The Science Center housing
the planetarium received a full refresh – all new interior finishes included flooring, ceilings &
paint along with efficient door & window replacements. Energy efficient lighting,
electrical, and HVAC were upgraded as well. To the exterior of Howard B. Owens, various building
and lot improvements were done including new asphalt & curbing, exterior furnishings & finishes,
and an outdoor science classroom space. This was an exciting and dynamic project that provides a
modern, fun and educational space for the school children of Prince George’s County Maryland.